Help build a strong and safe Speak Up culture

15 Feb 2024
A woman in a colourful cardigan with a concerned expressions faces another woman whose back is turned

Register for and attend an information session to learn more about what’s changed, what your role is and where to find more information.

A review into the Management of Complaints and Investigations at UNSW identified several opportunities for improvement. Since then, the University has embarked on a program primarily focused on simplifying and consolidating the complaints handling processes.

Recent improvements will address the review recommendations, making it simpler and easier for students, staff and the public to speak up about any concerns they might have. These changes will also simplify the processes for staff involved in the management of complaints and investigations.

The new Complaints & Investigations Policy & Procedure consolidates one policy and six procedures related to the management of complaints and misconduct investigations. This one document improves the coordination and consistency of our approach to handling complaints and ensures alignment with the NSW Ombudsman’s Commitments to Effective Complaint Handling in universities. 

The many webforms and various systems for reporting and managing Complaints, Plagiarism, Misconduct and Gendered Violence have been replaced with Case IQ – a secure, fit-for-purpose, University-wide system designed to manage cases from receipt through to resolution. Case IQ provides better oversight of trends across the University, which will in turn contribute to improved prevention, as well as enable better co-ordination between relevant case management teams when managing complex cases.

It's important to note that our external whistleblowing service, Your Call, remains the best way to confidentially report serious wrongdoing as a Public Interest Disclosure. Your Call is for reporting corrupt conduct, serious maladministration, waste of public funds, as well as privacy and GIPA contraventions.  

Also, a new Speak Up Campaign has been launched to further increase awareness of what constitutes unacceptable behaviour and to encourage a strong culture of reporting unacceptable behaviour. The campaign aims to encourage students and staff to speak up when they see or experience something that doesn’t seem right, and to feel safe, listened to and supported when doing so.

What do you need to do?

As staff members, it's important you are clear on what’s changed and how these changes apply to your day-to-day role.

We encourage you to learn more by going to the updated UNSW Conduct & Integrity website and also visiting the Complaints, Reports and Investigations Management at UNSW SharePoint site to register for a staff information session relevant to your role.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Conduct & Integrity Office.  
