Current wave of COVID

27 May 2024
Someone holding up a positive RAT test

With winter approaching and T2 underway, we want to remind you of the waves of both COVID-19 and influenza currently circulating in the community. We encourage you to take precautions to keep well.  
Practise safe behaviours 
Many of the safe behaviours we have practised over the past few years are effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19:  

  • Stay at home if you are unwell,have respiratory symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19 or the flu 
  • Sneeze into your elbow or cover your face with a tissue when you cough or sneeze 
  • Clean your hands by washing them often and thoroughly 
  • Wear a face mask in crowded indoor spaces, for example, in shops or on public transport. 

While the wearing of masks isn’t mandatory on campus, some faculties may determine and communicate specific activities and classes where masks will be required. 
Get a COVID-19 booster 
Staying up to date with vaccinations can help protect you from severe illness. People who are not severely immunocompromised between the ages of 18 and 64 years are eligible for a booster every 12 months. Find COVID-19 booster vaccination advice at NSW Health

Please consider a COVID-19 booster vaccination if you are high risk or your booster is out of date. 
You can book a vaccination appointment online or call the UNSW Health Service on 9385 5425. Other options for vaccinations include your local GP or pharmacist. Find one in your area. 
If you test positive to COVID-19  
You should not attend campuses if you are unwell or experiencing any respiratory or COVID-19 symptoms. Inform your manager if you test positive so they can provide support as needed. If you are unable to work, apply for sick leave through myUNSW
Advice for students can be found on UNSW’s COVID-19 website. If COVID-19 impacts their studies and assessments, they can apply for Special Consideration

