UNSW's cyber security is everyone’s responsibility

31 Jan 2024
View from above of four people sitting at a white desk working on computers

We are continuing to build and improve UNSW's cyber security resilience.

Complete our mandatory Cyber Security Awareness training

In November, UNSW launched a new Cyber Security Awareness training module. If you haven’t already done so, please complete the mandatory training. The training will help us combat the increasing threats to the University’s data and information resources.

UNSW Cyber Security Awareness training module webpage

As valued members of the UNSW community, we each play a role in keeping the University secure. By learning a few simple steps and having a better understanding the University’s policies and guidelines, we can protect both ourselves and the University from cyber security threats. 

All UNSW staff with an active zID account are automatically enrolled and will receive email communication with directions to complete the module, available in Moodle.

Please take a moment to watch this short video from our Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Attila Brungs or visit the Cyber Security training and awareness website for more information. 

Contact cybersecurityawareness@unsw.edu.au with any questions or concerns.   


Changes to security settings in Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive  

Our Microsoft Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive platform controls are being changed to improve the security of the University and better protect our data.  

From 13 February, changes will include: 

  1. Private cloud storage services (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive, Egnyte or Box) will no longer be able to connect with UNSW Teams.  Please refer to storage guidelines for staff or students. 
  2. External guests invited to Teams meetings will have to wait in the lobby until the organiser lets them in. Only UNSW (internal) users can join Teams meetings before the organiser. 
  3. Increased security to disable inappropriate GIF sharing in Teams. 

Learn more about this change on our Cyber Security Resilience Program webpage 


New zID password conditions are here!

Since 16 January new password conditions apply for all zIDs, to strengthen UNSW password standards and align with recognised best practice. 

Those with an expiring password will receive email instruction outlining the new conditions, one being that their new password will need to be a minimum of 14 characters long. In the coming months, all students and staff will be requested to change their existing password to meet the new conditions.

A woman in glasses holding a mug with text about password changes

Change your password now or look out for the email Change your zID password before it expires and manage your password using Identity Manager. 

Important tip: Check that your personal email or mobile number is recorded in your myUNSW Profile so that you can use all Identity Manager services.  

Refer to Identity Manager for Staff or Students for support materials.


Cyber Security Compliance Reports are being issued

Thank you to everyone involved in implementing the updated Cyber Security Policy Framework. The Framework, approved by the Vice-Chancellor in December 2022, supports the University in protecting sensitive information within an increasing cyber threat environment.

Business owners and key leaders across the University have been involved in identifying information resources/services and ownership, documenting cyber security risk ratings and understanding compliance obligations to UNSW’s Cyber Security Policies and Standards

With the completion of cyber security gap assessments, tactical and strategic actions to address vulnerabilities in our systems and services have been recommended in faculty and division summary compliance reports issued to senior leaders. 

Business owners will now receive gap assessment compliance reports. The reports outline all identified compliance gaps and recommended remediation actions. Business owners need to read and understand these reports, however they are not required to take any immediate action in addressing compliance gaps.  

Closing gaps will ensure our information resources are compliant with the Policy Framework and strengthen the University's cyber security. 

Cyber Security Resilience ProgramVisit our UNSW IT webpage for all program information or drop us a line and stay in touch via our Viva group channel.  
The MyIT website is the home of all UNSW Cyber Security information.
